My Story

My journey into the world of healing began in 2003 thanks to a revelation from my son who recognized the healing and guidance that I had been instinctively providing for my friends and family. Now Iā€™m a Certified Hypnosis Practitioner specializing in Past Life Regression, Child Hypnosis, Medical Intuitive, Intuitive Reader, Reflexologist, Spiritual Coach and specializing in the Laws of Attraction.

My purpose in life is to be a healer and I am genuinely passionate about helping and guiding people to heal themselves. So many people have endured negative experiences in their lives which can cause personality changes and being lost to their true selves. I help people heal through these traumas and guide them towards self-worth, self-love, confidence and achieving their dreams. I absolutely love seeing my clients succeed and become the person they were truly meant to be!

I create a gentle, compassionate, loving and supportive environment for my clients. It is important to have mutual trust, honesty and respect for us to begin the inspiring life altering healing journey together. I truly enjoy what I do and love to witness the happiness, successes and joys my clients experience! Being happy starts within the self and every person deserves to give that achievement to themselves.